AFL VIC Country News

Personal Accident Insurance Fees Waived for Victorian Football Clubs

17 JUL 2020

AFL Victoria has today advised all affiliates who fall under the AFL National Risk Protection Program that fees associated to Personal Accident Insurance will be absorbed by AFL Victoria for 2020.

The decision affects over 1000 clubs and 5000 teams across Victoria and provides a significant reduction to the insurance fees for 2020. The Personal Accident fees are waived in 2020 for all clubs who fall under the AFL National Risk Protection Program, regardless of whether football is being played this season and provides certainty on costs as well as comfort that all players, clubs and leagues are protected.

AFL Victoria Head of Community Football Stephen O’Donohue said this announcement provides welcome financial relief to clubs across Victoria.

“The Victorian football community, from the elite to the grassroots, has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The effects are being felt across every club and every league across the state,” O’Donohue said.

“The Victorian football community have rallied together during this period and remain united as we face the challenges ahead. The decision to waive these fees will reduce some of the financial burden faced by all clubs across Victoria.”

“This is another step to supporting all community football clubs in Victoria, the heart of our national game and the heart of so many communities.”

AFL Victoria remains committed to supporting a sustainable network of inclusive clubs and leagues across Victoria and these savings are in addition to the removal of affiliation fees for all WorkSafe AFL Victoria Country clubs.

Insurance fees for Public Liability/Management Liability and Asset Protect remains unchanged for 2020 and will protect club operations and facilities as club volunteers continue to administer their club and club assets remain protected over a 12-month period.

AFL Victoria continues to work with the official risk partner of the AFL, Marsh, to help the broader AFL community ensure a safe, enjoyable experience for spectators, officials and players.