Local Legends

Local Legends: Liz keeps her footy family fed

Liz Mace (left), St Mary's first ever Senior U19 Men's side in 2009 (right). Image: Supplied/St Mary's FNC

Elizabeth Mace is one of those people who works tirelessly behind the scenes to make her local footy club a special place in the community.

Liz and her family first became part of the St Mary’s football community in 1994, when they joined the St Mary’s Greensborough Junior Football Club after deciding it was a great place for their sons to begin their football careers.

In her time at the junior club, Liz and her husband Wayne, took on various administrative roles, committee positions, and were even involved in organising social events like a club karaoke night!

In 2002, Liz and her husband were awarded Life Memberships at the junior club to recognise their tremendous contribution as parent volunteers.

After joining the St Mary’s Senior Football Netball Club in 2009, Liz’s passion for the St Mary’s community saw her immediately become involved in multiple facets of the newly established senior club, founded in 2009 with a single U19 men’s team.

Of all the jobs Liz has taken on since then, her most notable contribution is helping out with Thursday night dinners to create a strong sense of community at the newly formed senior club.

Initially helping with the cleaning, Liz has now been organising and preparing delicious dinners for the last four years and shows no signs of stopping even though her sons have long since retired from footy! You can also find her husband Wayne manning the Blue Oyster Can Bar at every home game, demonstrating the true passion the Mace family feel for the St Mary’s football community.

Club President Mark Stanley thanked Liz and shared how valuable all our volunteers are to the Club.

“Liz is an incredibly valuable part of our Club, and it is volunteers like Liz that are the lifeblood of this Club.”

“Her dedication and generosity every week of every season, embodies what we value at St Mary’s, and there certainly wouldn’t be Thursday night dinners without her!”

In 2023, Liz and Wayne were awarded an inaugural Life Membership at the St Mary’s senior club to recognise their support and contribution as founding members of the newly established club, and their continued support over a decade later.

AFL Victoria’s Local Legends initiative aims to recognise the local heroes who are the lifeblood of their local clubs and communities.

Whether it be a coach, player, umpire, local business owner, administrator or volunteer, AFL Victoria wants to celebrate the people who are the backbone of community football clubs. Community football clubs simply could not survive without those who are willing to show up each weekend and make sure that the game goes ahead, crowds are well fed, players are supported and success is enjoyed.

Nominees for the AFL Victoria Local Legends initiative can be anyone who is involved in a community football club in any capacity, whether it be paid or unpaid, directly related to the game or a behind-the-scenes super star, these legends are who make community football what it is. 

Do you know someone with a great story like Liz? Nominate them now